Hope Doula Co.


Package #1

A great option for second time parents or those experienced with newborns.

What’s Included:

– Complimentary consultation Unlimited phone/text support

– 2 prenatal meeting to discuss your birth preferences and options

– Unlimited labor support

– 1 postpartum meeting to check in and follow up

Total Investment:


Package #2

A great option for first time parents or those that want more support and resources!

What’s Included:

– Complimentary consultation

– Unlimited phone/text support

– 6 part comprehensive Childbirth Education Course

– 2 prenatal meetings to discuss your birth preferences and options, and postpartum planning

– Unlimited labor support

– 1 postpartum meetings to check in and follow up

Total Investment:



Check out the other services I offer! Ask me how to combine these with your birth support package.

What’s Included:

– Additional prenatal and/or postpartum meetings

– Childbirth Education Course

– Colostrum harvesting education and harvesting kit

– Holistic Fertility Coaching and Hormone Balancing

– Fertility Awareness Method Training (natural family planning)

– Lactation Consultation Services

– Book rentals (I have tons!!!)

Total Investment:

Prices Vary

Please contact me for more information