Hope Doula Co.


Brianna S. (Birth Client)

“Hope has been a LIFESAVER through my first pregnancy! Her years of experience in nursing plus her genuine passion for pregnancy/childbirth are clearly shown in everything she does… She is extremely well-researched and always remained unbiased and non-judgmental in whatever I decided… She put me at ease going into childbirth and made me so much more confident in my own ability.”

Alena P. (Birth Client)

I cannot recommend Hope highly enough. She was professional, kind, caring, considerate, and attentive to all of my needs. 

Her extensive knowledge about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, all backed by thorough research, was truly impressive. I also highly recommend taking her birth education course—it’s incredibly informative!

Throughout my pregnancy, Hope was always available to answer my questions, provide resources, and offer emotional support. She took the time to understand my birth preferences and worked closely with me to develop a birth plan that reflected my desires and values.

When the big day came and I went into labor in the middle of the night, Hope was swift to respond and arrived quickly. She supported me during labor and met my needs. Everything we learned in her birth education course empowered me to have the natural birth of my dreams. I couldn’t have done it without her support!

In the end, Hope felt like a friend, and I’m so grateful to have had her as part of such a significant moment in my life. She is someone who truly works from the heart and is passionate about helping people.

Kara D. (Fertility Client)

“Five stars! Hope is knowledgeable in all things fertility and female-hormone related. She was super helpful and answered all my questions thoroughly.”

Jennifer N. (Birth Client)

I would recommend having Hope be a part of every single woman’s pregnancy and labor, no matter what your experience has been or what your goals are. She was such a great source of evidence-based knowledge and comfort throughout. I never felt judged or pressured about what I wanted or questions I had, she was so supportive and put all my fears to rest. Having Hope there for my labor was so special, she was steadfast and calm the entire time. She is very knowledgeable about nonpharmacological pain management and safe, effective labor progression techniques. This was my second labor experience, and it was so incredibly better than my first!

Paige H. (Birth Client)

I’m so thankful for Hope’s continuous support as we navigated the healthcare system- the entire process would have been so much more stressful without her as our sounding board. Hope helped us have an organic start to labor at 40+ weeks and deliver our healthy baby, rather than being bullied into an induction at 37 weeks!